Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Top 5 Reasons to Fish For Crappie

As fish go, there are not many I care to pursue in freshwater other than crappie.  Every other fish comes further down on my list.  While there are many reasons one should fish for crappie.  The top 5 reasons in my humble opinion are as follows: 

Almost Never Alone 
5.  They use the buddy system most of the time.  If you catch one fish, it was most likely not alone wherever you caught it.  Crappie tend to hang around in groups either big or small.  Most of the time I find they are with other fish of similar size.  Of course, as with anything this is not some set in stone rule, and the fish will always do what they do without asking the opinion of whoever is fishing for them. 

Minimal Equipment
4.  They do not require you to “load for bear”.  The largest fish can put up quite a fight when they turn in the water and can pull like mad when they are heated up in the warmer months, but even they do not require the heavy line, and heavy tackle and gear one would set up for bass or other larger fish.  This means one doesn’t have to necessarily spend the entire sum of the family fortune to successfully pursue them. Although there are certainly higher dollar options for fishing crappie, it seems that actually the cheaper my gear gets the more fish I put in my boat. 

Many Methods
3.  There are many different methods to be successful fishing for them.  Depending on what season certain methods work better than others, but quite often its “dealer’s choice” and several different methods may work at the same time depending on how you are set up to fish, or which way you prefer to fish.  In the spring time quite a few people troll for them, but dock shooting works well, as does jigging.  In the winter time long lining or slow trolling works well, but jigging may also be a key for connecting with fish.  In the summer night fishing under lights, or trolling crankbaits can both be deadly.  They bring something to the table for nearly every taste. 

Great For Anyone 
2.  They are great for all ages.  Kids and adults can both enjoy catching crappie.  The numbers allowed for limits in most places is pretty generous, and when the bite is on the cooler can be filled up quickly.  They can be fished as simply as putting a minnow on a hook and throwing it out under a bobber, or they can peak the interest of even the most seasoned veteran in some of the tougher times of year fishing with artificial baits. 

                                 Awesome Eating
1.  They are made of delicious and wonderful meat.  As far as fresh water dinner fare is concerned crappie are one of the top on the list.  Fried, smoked, baked...almost any way can be great.  Fish and grits, fish tacos, fried fish, fish stew, it’s tough to go wrong.  I can’t seem to cook it fast enough when my kids are eating fried fish, they almost inevitably end up asking me to hurry up and bring out some more. 

God made crappie to eat, and eating them is the main reason I pursue them.  The fun had catching them and the challenges they present also add to the allure of fishing for them.  I really can’t speak highly enough of them it seems.  I think God connected me to crappie and I hope to never have to break that connection. 

Matthew 4:18-21

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Top 5 Crappie in the spring.

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